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Informační webinář k nové výzvě z programu EU CF

The European City Facility has launched a new funding opportunity for local authorities and public entities across Europe to support their sustainable energy and climate action plans. The funding, which is supported by the European Union’s LIFE Programme, offers a lump-sum payment of €60,000 and hands-on assistance to 70 municipalities or local authorities, as well as their groupings and local public entities aggregating municipalities or local authorities, to develop investment concepts on clean energy and energy efficiency.
The deadline for applications is 30 June 2023 at 17:00 CEST.
An EU-wide info session will take place online on Wed 17th May, 10 -11 am CEST. The session will be an opportunity for potential applicants to get to know the details of the 5th call of EUCF, as well to ask questions regarding the application process directly to the EUCF team. A small presentation on the details of the 5th call will be followed by a question time. Participants are welcome to pose their questions in the Q&A section of the webinar. The EUCF team will remain on the call later than 11.00 CEST until all questions are answered.

If you have any questions prior to the session, or issues in registering to it, do not hesitate to write an email to and

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