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Implementation of EU Directives on Energy Efficiency in the Czech Republic

In view of the accession to the European Union, the Czech Republic shall harmonize its legislation with the legislative standards of the EU, as well as with the principles of the International Energy Agency, the Energy Charter Treaty and its Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects. The European Union has adopted the Directive 2002/91/EC on Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD further in the text). The objective of EPBD is to promote the improvement of the energy performance of buildings within the Community, taking into account outdoor climatic and local conditions, as well as indoor climate requirements and cost-effectiveness.

To implement the Directive a project started on February 2005 titled Implementation of EC Directives on Energy Efficiency in the Czech Republic within the Phare Programme of the Czech Republic, Internal Market and Economic Criteria, No CZ2003/004-338.02.02. The programme is run by the Central Finance and Contracting Unit (CFCU) of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic.

This PHARE project aimed to facilitate and accelerate the introduction of energy conservation and use of environmentally sustainable technologies in sustainable buildings, by contributing to transpose and implement the EPBD, and thereby to support the increase of the levels of energy efficiency in buildings in the Czech Republic. The project was concluded at the end of November 2005. The project team was comprised of both international and national experts with wide knowledge of the EU EPBD.

Figure 1: Countries Reviewed

Countries Reviewed

Broader Project Goals

  • To increase the Czech Republic’s ability to take on the obligations of membership in the EU, including adherence to the aims of political, economic and monetary union.
  • To strengthen conditions of the Czech Republic for the integration through adjustment of its administrative structures, so that EU legislation when transposed into CR legislation is implemented effectively through appropriate administrative and judicial structures.

Project Activities

  • A review of the EPBD in relation to the Czech Republic
  • Preparation of a report on the experiences encountered in seven other EU countries, focussing on the software tools used across Europe and therefore the toolkit that should be adopted across the Czech Republic.
  • A market segment analysis of energy performance in residential and public buildings in the Czech Republic, that determines the energy saving potential in relevant Czech buildings based upon realistic measures that can be implemented on a local level.
  • Preparation and delivery of training seminars to target groups.
  • Preparation of procedural guidelines for relevant groups within the Czech building industry, including investors, architects and designers.

Guaranteed Results

  • Comparative study on the Directive 2002/91/EC and the Czech (Energy Management Act No. 406/2000 Coll.) legislation in the field of energy efficiency;
  • Draft amendment of relevant articles to the Energy Management Act (No. 406/2000 Coll.) and related decrees on energy audits, energy efficiency and energy certification of buildings;
  • Market segment analysis report;
  • Trained CEA’s, MoIT’s, SEI’s and CSI’s staff and local experts;
  • Procedural guidelines (in the form of a manual) for investors, architects and designers (for dissemination of information about the rules of low energy consumption in buildings);
  • Analysis of experience and procedures currently used in different EU member countries, EU and national legislation in force and under preparation and recommendations to the implementation of the EPBD in the Czech Republic.

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