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Úvod / Aktuality / Procedural Guidelines

Procedural Guidelines

Procedural Guidelines were developed in the form of a manual as one of the project outputs. The manual is designed for practitioners (eg. architects, building owners, energy managers etc.). It summarises the requirements of the EPBD and discusses how the target audience should be aware of specific requirements relevant for the Czech Republic. It promotes low energy building practices, energy improvements in already existing buildings and increased use of renewable energy schemes. The procedural Guidelines Manual contains following summaries, descriptions and proposals:

  • Principle requirements of the EPBD (Directive 2002/91/EC) on energy performance of buildings;
  • The proposed manner of the Directive transposition into the Czech primary and secondary legislation;
  • Proposed national methodology for calculating energy performance of buildings;
  • Setting up minimum energy performance requirements in buildings;
  • Building certification, certificate proposal and its use;
  • Inspection of boilers and air-conditioning systems in the Czech Republic – short summary of the proposed executive decree;
  • Building design and low energy consumption (incl. alternative systems evaluation);
  • Existing buildings refurbishment and energy efficient measures, their economic and environmental assessment;
  • Financing energy efficiency measures – incl. private finance involvement; and
  • Information on terminology, vocabulary and CEN standards.

The purpose of this manual is to expand the dissemination of the requirements of the EPBD to investors, architects and designers, useful information can also be appreciated by building owners, operators and managers.

For more information on the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) implementation and awareness campaign in the Czech Republic see

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